- The Bottleneck Game and The Business Value game at Agile 2009, Chicago (24-28 August 2009) by Portia and Pascal
- Pascal’s retrospective
- Portia’s retrospective
- Retrospectives by Patrick Kua, Karl Metivier, Dennis Stevens, Nanette Brown and Mads Troels Hansen.
- The Toyota Way management principles for sustained Lean and Agile at Integrating Agile 2009, Amsterdam (June 18th 2009) by Portia and Pascal
- Portia’s retrospective
- Retrospective by Sander Nagtegaal
- Miroir, gentil Miroir… Pourquoi Moi? and “Le Jeu de la Valeur Metier” at XP Days France 2009, Paris (May 25th 2009) by Portia and Pascal
- The Mirror Mirror participant’s retrospectives
- Portia’s retrospective
- Pascal’s retrospective
- Retrospectives by Laurent Morriseau, Alexandre Boutin, Guillaume Tardif, Nicolas Martignole, Yann Picard de Muller, Laurent LasLaz, Mathieu Gandin and Olivier Huber from Zenika
- Pictures by Eric Lefevre-Ardant
- The Business Value Game at Mini XP Day Benelux 2009 Mechelen (May 11th 2009) by Vera, Pascal and Portia
- The Business Value Game at Software Practice Advancement London (April 5-8 2009) by Vera, Pascal and Portia
- The First Five Steps to Become Really Agile at XP Day Suisse Geneva (March 30th) by Portia and Pascal
- Portia’s retrospective in English and French
- Pascal’s retrospective in English and French
- The participants’ retrospective