Coach Tools

Session What is it about? Type
The XP Game Experience how Agile planning, estimation and execution works through a simulation Simulation
The Business Value Game Experience the role of the Product Owner is and how Agile prioritisation works Simulation
I’m not a Bottleneck! I’m a free man! Experience how the “Five Focusing Steps” of the Theory of Constraints structure process improvement Simulation
Real Options How to apply options thinking to technical (and other) decisions Presentation
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall… Why Me? A mini-adventure of self-discovery to improve personal effectiveness and to create teams where everybody plays to their strengths Tutorial
The Nine Boxes Learn a simple and effective interview technique to really understand the customers problem and to create a shared vision of the solution Tutorial
The XP Loops An overview of the Extreme Programming practices and values with stories to illustrate all the elements Presentation
The Toyota Way An overview of the 14 “Toyota Way” principles of management and how they complement Agile principles Presentation
The First Five Steps to Become Really Agile Five tools we use when starting to coach a new team Presentation
Business Value Modeling Use Systems Thinking to find the goals of stakeholders and create a model that defines how we measure value Interactive tutorial
Estimation Games Learn about 10 rules that will help you avoid many estimation pitfalls Interactive tutorial

These sessions are licensed Creative Commons 2.0 Share-Alike, By Attribution by Vera Peeters, Portia Tung and Pascal Van Cauwenberghe. You can download, use and re-use them.
Creative Commons by Attribution